Chief Instructor

Sonny Loke sensei began his aikido journey in 1972 with Pak Wai Phang sensei in Chung Ling High School, Penang. Sonny sensei started teaching aikido in Kuala Lumpur in 1991.

In May 1995, Sonny sensei attended the 1st International Aikido Yoshinkan Instructors Gasshuku (training camp) in Tokyo, Japan. Upon his return, Sonny sensei decided to devote his life to teaching Yoshinkan Aikido full-time and established Yoshinkan Aikido Malaysia (YAM) in June 1995. YAM is affiliated with the Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation in Tokyo, Japan.

Since 1995, Sonny sensei has received instruction solely from Takeno Takafumi Kancho, for over 20 years, and is the first foreign instructor to be affiliated directly to Takeno Kancho.

Sonny sensei was awarded Tokubetsu Enbu Shou (Special Demonstration Award) by Takeno Kancho at the 27th Aikido Yamanashi Yoshinkan Annual Demonstration in 2014.

In 2015, Tokyo, Japan, at the Memorial Dinner commemorating 100 Years of the birth of Gozo Shioda Kancho (the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido) and 60 Years of Yoshinkan Aikido, Sonny sensei received a Special Achievement Award, in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the development of Yoshinkan Aikido outside Japan – the first of its kind awarded to an international Aikido Master not of Japanese origin.

Sonny sensei’s career reaches another milestone by becoming the first foreign instructor to be graded to 7th Dan black belt and Level One Instructor Certificate by Takeno Kancho in October 2016.

Senior Instructors

Ari Chantana
Dojo Finance Officer | Started Yoshinkan :1991

"Patience is a virtue, time is precious, life is priceless. Choose wisely and good luck. Love to all."

Hee Pei Yee 
Dojo Administrator | Started Yoshinkan :2005

"Always do your best to give and share.OSU!"

Loke Yin Hoei
Started Yoshinkan :2002

"Progress comes to those who train and train. Each time we train, a seed is sown for the future."


Attila Emam
Started Yoshinkan :2000

"See Aikido with your heart, not your eyes."

Tan Lay Han
Started Yoshinkan :2000

"Kamae, timing and centreline, that's all there is to it. Well, there's also practice, practice, practice..."

Ng Lai Peng
Started Yoshinkan :2000

"Stance and posture are reflections of our mind state, whether on or off the mat."

Alicia Tan Huey Tsair
Started Yoshinkan :2003

"To learn more, you must first unlearn. To reach enlightenment, you must feel contentment within emptiness. To learn Aikido, you have to learn harmony. To truly know Aikido, you have to first know love."

Kelvin Yeoh Boon Teong
Started Yoshinkan :2005

Visualise yourself doing the perfect technique, your
body will then follow.

Alex Chan
Started Yoshinkan :2003

Aikido teaches us the meaning of life and how to cope with life's daily problems.

Kim Kek Seong
Started Yoshinkan :2002

"Every practice is a new practice though is an old movement. Keep practicing, keep discovering, keep improving..."

Be Lim
Started Yoshinkan :2003

"A lifelong journey of perfecting self...being in balance and harmony with all things and beings through the mind then body."

KK Tan
Started Yoshinkan :2009

"Be curious be serious."

Lim Lee
Started Yoshinkan :2008

“Passion, Patience and Perseverance.”

Started Yoshinkan :2008

"Commitment is priority"

Eric Tan Choo Huatt
Started Yoshinkan :2008

"My journey to achievement in aikido is the consistency in following the fundamental principles of aikido."

Chong Mei Yoke
Started Yoshinkan :2011

"Open your mind and enjoy the journey of endless discovery in aikido."